For many people, in the summer, vacation in Feodosia is relevant. This wonderful Crimean city on the Black Sea coast has fascinated hundreds of thousands of tourists who visit it every year. What is so attractive about Theodosius? Description of the location, history of the city, its population, infrastructure, recreation conditions and other issues related to this resort will be the subject of this review.

Geographical location of Feodosia

Before we start describing the population of Feodosia and other aspects of the city's life, let's look at where it is located.

The city of Feodosia is located in the southeastern part of the Crimean Peninsula, on the Black Sea coast, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Feodosiya Bay. It is located just between the southern coast of the Crimea, being a kind of connecting link between them. Eastern the settlement is located on the seashore, and the western one - on the spurs of the Tepe-Oba ridge of the Crimean Mountains.

The climate in Feodosia is moderate, although sometimes signs of a subtropical appear, due to its proximity to this climatic zone.

Legal status

The legal status of the city, like the entire Crimea, is ambiguous. According to Russian law (and in fact), this locality is part of the urban district of Feodosia, which, in turn, is part of the Republic of Crimea. In the south-west, this administrative entity borders on the urban district of Sudak, in the north - on the Kirovsky district, in the north-east - on the Leninsky district. The south and southeast are washed by the waters of the Black Sea. In addition, this urban district also includes several villages, the largest of which are the townships of Primorsky and Koktebel.

At the same time, according to Ukrainian legislation, Feodosia belongs to the city council of the same name, which is part of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and completely coincides with the boundaries of the city district. However, de facto Ukraine does not control these territories, so they are fully subject to Russian legislation.

City `s history

Feodosia has a very long history. It is one of the oldest in Russia as a whole. The first population of Feodosia is the Greeks. It was the Greek colonists from the city of Miletus in the VI century BC. e. founded this settlement. The name that the Greeks gave to the settlement they founded is translated from the ancient Greek language as "given by God." In the IV century BC. e. Theodosia was forced to submit to the most powerful Greek state in the Crimea - the Bosporus kingdom, which itself eventually recognized its dependence on the Roman Empire.

In the 4th century AD, the city was destroyed by hordes of Huns. The field of this, what remained of it, was settled by the Alans, calling the village Ardabda. The Roman Empire this time was able to regain control over Theodosia only after it was transformed into Byzantium, in the 5th century. True, the city then for some time passed into the hands of the Khazar Kaganate, but in the end it returned again under the sovereignty of the Byzantine Empire. However, the significance and size of the ancient times of Theodosia of that time was far away, and, in fact, it existed as an insignificant village.

In the XIII century, Theodosia was controlled by the Golden Horde, which sold the village to merchants from Genoa, retaining its supreme suzerainty over it. Since then, the city has become an outpost of this maritime republic. Now he began to be called Kafa. Since antiquity, the city has not experienced such a flourish as under the Genoese. It was here that the temnik Mamai fled to hide from the wrath of the Golden Horde after he was defeated by Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field. The population of Kapha at that time exceeded 70,000 people, and then it became more than in Constantinople. Most of the inhabitants of the city were Armenians. A branch of the Genoese bank was opened in the Cafe, and there was a theater.

Finally, in 1475, the Genoese were ousted from Kafa by the actively expanding Ottoman Empire. Now it has become a Turkish city. Although to the north of it were the lands of the Ottoman Sultan's vassal - the Crimean Khan, but Kafa was not part of the khanate, but was a direct part of the empire. During the Ottoman period, Kafa became one of the largest points of the slave trade, and a slave market was located here. During the Turkish period, the development of salt deposits near the city also developed. In addition, as under the Genoese, there was a large port here. Feodosia at that time was raided and plundered by the Zaporozhye Cossacks, for example, in 1616. Many prisoners were also freed during this expedition.

In 1771, during the next Russian-Turkish war, Kafa was captured by Russian troops. After the Kuchuk-Kainadzhi peace treaty, this city finally became part of the Russian Empire. Since 1787 it has become one of the settlements of the Tauride region. Since 1796, after an administrative reform, Kafa was incorporated into the Novorossiysk province. In 1798, she received the status of a free port for 30 years. Six years later, the Cafe returned its historical name - Feodosia.

This city was visited by many prominent personalities. In it he lived a significant part of his life, the famous painter Ivan Aivazovsky worked and died. The Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov also visited Feodosia.

After the 1917 revolution, Crimea, and Feodosia in particular, became the last stronghold of the White Army under the leadership of Wrangel. After the occupation of the city by the Bolsheviks in 1920, a wave of red terror swept here. The population of Feodosia at this time in the city decreased significantly. The city, like the whole Crimea, was included in the RSFSR.

During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles were fought for Feodosia. It was finally liberated by the Red Army only in April 1944.

In 1954, like the entire Crimean region, Feodosia became part of the Ukrainian SSR. After Ukraine gained independence in 1991, the city remained a part of this state, first as part of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, then the Republic of Crimea, and then the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

In 2014, as a result of a referendum, Feodosia, like the whole Crimea, was annexed to Russian Federation... At present, the city is an administrative unit of the Republic of Crimea, which is part of the Russian Federation as a subject of the federation.

City population

It's time to find out how many people make up the population of Feodosia. Currently 68.6 thousand inhabitants live here. This is the fifth largest city among all Crimean cities, excluding Sevastopol. Not so long ago, Feodosia ranked fourth in this indicator, but Yalta bypassed it.

The population density in the city is 1621.2 people / sq. km. For comparison, the population density in Simferopol is 3132.5 people / sq. km, in Kerch - 1379 people / sq. km, in Yalta - 4310.1 people / sq. km.

Population dynamics

Now let's find out how the demographics of Feodosia have changed over several decades. We will look at the population size of this city selectively for individual years from different periods of the relatively recent history of the city.

Let's start from the end of the century before last. In 1897 the population of Feodosia was 24.1 thousand. After the revolution, this number dropped. So, in 1923, only 22.7 thousand people lived in the city. But by 1926, the population had increased and reached the level of 27.3 thousand people. The growth in the number of residents of Feodosia continued in the following years. So, in 1939 the number of residents reached 45.0 thousand inhabitants, and in 1979 it was at the level of 76.4 thousand inhabitants. The maximum was reached after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. Then 86.4 thousand people lived in Feodosia. The city did not have such a large population either before or after that.

Further, the decline in the number of people living in Feodosia began. So, in 1998 the number of the city's population decreased to the level of 80.9 thousand people. In 2008, it already amounted to 71.2 thousand people. A slight increase in the number of residents was observed only in 2015, when the number of residents increased from 69.0 thousand. (2014) to 69.1 thousand inhabitants. But in 2016, the demographic decline continued. The population decreased to 68.6 thousand inhabitants.

Thus, from 1992 to 2016, the overall decline in the population of the city of Feodosia amounted to 17.8 thousand people.

Ethnic composition

Now let's consider the ethnic composition of the population living in the city of Feodosia.

According to the 2014 census, the majority are Russians. Their share among all residents of the city is 79.4%. Ukrainians are in second place with a significant lag - 11.4%. This is followed by Belarusians and Crimean Tatars - 1% each.

It is noteworthy that during the 2001 census, when Feodosia was still Ukrainian, the number of Russians was smaller, and the number of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars was larger. Thus, the share of Russians was 72.2%, Ukrainians - 18.8%, and Crimean Tatars - 4.6%. Belarusians were also slightly more - 1.8%. However, this situation is quite expected. In Feodosia, many people have mixed ethnic origins, so some of them, during the census, ranked themselves as the titular nation.

Also, Tatars, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Greeks, Moldavians, Georgians and other peoples live in Feodosia. But the number of representatives of each of them does not exceed 1% of the total population of the city.

Religious denominations

There are many religious denominations in Feodosia, but the majority of believers are Orthodox Christianity.

The Crimean Tatar community, as well as the majority of representatives of ethnic groups such as Tatars and Azerbaijanis, profess Islam.

In addition, there is a Catholic community in Feodosia, as well as Christian communities of various Protestant denominations.

City administration

The body that governs the city is the Feodosia City Council, consisting of 28 deputies elected every five years. At the moment, Svetlana Gevchuk is the chairman of the city council.

The administration of Feodosia is the executive governing body. Its head is appointed by the city council from candidates who have passed a competitive selection. At the moment, the head of the city administration is Stanislav Krysin.

The administration of Feodosia has many specialized departments. Each of them is engaged in separate areas of work. Among the departments, the following should be highlighted: the department of youth and sports, the department of economics, the department of labor and social protection of the population. Feodosia largely depends on the quality of the city administration.

City economy

The economy of Feodosia is based on two pillars: tourism and sea transport.

According to the typology of resort areas, the city belongs to climatic and balneological resorts. The sea in Feodosia is very gentle and welcoming, but besides it, the city can provide travelers with wonderful healing springs. We will talk more about rest in Feodosia in a separate section.

But the main income of the city budget is tax revenues from the port. It is sea transportation that largely shapes the city's economy.

However, tourism and transportation, although the main ones, are far from the only types of activity in Feodosia. Trade is also very well developed in the city. This is one of the activities that Feodosia can be proud of. Prices for food and goods, however, as in any resort town, are overstated in the high season.

There are also manufacturing industries in Feodosia. There are ship mechanical, optical, juice, winery, as well as a building materials plant. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the production capacity of these enterprises decreased significantly.

Work in Feodosia

Considering that the city is a resort town, work here is seasonal. Of course, there are also enterprises that work all year round - factories, factories, a port, etc., but mostly jobs have been occupied for a long time, staff turnover is relatively small, so you need to stand in a long "queue" to to get to such a place. The work in the port is especially prestigious, since the workers there receive rather high salaries.

But in the holiday season, there is more than enough work for both local residents and visitors. In the summer, work in Feodosia is represented mainly by vacancies in the field of trade, as well as job offers in various resort institutions: boarding houses, recreation centers, children's camps.

Leisure sphere

As mentioned above, recreation in Feodosia is one of the main sources of income for the city and its population. A huge number of sanitary and resort establishments are located on the territory of the urban district. Among them the most important are the following: "Feodosia", "Voskhod", "Ukraine", children's sanatorium "Volna", "Golden Beach". In each of these establishments, tourists can not only have a good rest and spend time, but also improve their health. In the treatment and prevention of diseases in the sanatoriums, mud and mineral therapy is used. Fortunately, Feodosia is surrounded by numerous mineral springs, and there are also deposits of healing mud.

But the majority of holidaymakers still prefer to stay in small hotels or rent an apartment or house in the private sector. This is not least due to the lower prices when renting an apartment from individuals. But in this case, the question arises: where is it better to rent an apartment in Feodosia? We will talk about this further.

Rental housing

Finding accommodation in Feodosia during the holiday season is a really big problem. In addition to the fact that all apartments and private houses, the owners of which accept vacationers, can be packed, so even in the high season prices for renting real estate bite painfully. Therefore, it is preferable to rent housing not in the city itself, but in resort villages that are part of the urban district of Feodosia, namely: Beregovoye, Koktebel and Primorskoye.

If you are young enough, and it is not difficult for you to walk a few kilometers to the sea, then for renting an apartment it is better to choose those streets of Feodosia and surrounding villages that are located far from the coast. Thus, you will kill several birds with one stone. Firstly, it is much easier to find housing far from the sea than on the coastal streets, secondly, rental prices are lower here, and thirdly, daily jogging from home to the sea has a positive effect on health and overall physical fitness.

General characteristics of Feodosia

Feodosia is one of the oldest cities not only in Crimea or Russia, but in Europe as a whole. Over the many centuries of its history, the city experienced both prosperity and decline: either it was one of the largest cultural and commercial centers, then its status dropped almost to the level of a village. Theodosia experienced several such ups and downs during its existence.

Now Feodosia is one of the most developed. But besides the tourism sector, sea trade is very well developed here. The Feodosia port remains one of the largest on the Crimean peninsula.

If you decide to spend your vacation in Crimea, then the best option would be to opt for Feodosia. Here the prices are much lower than at the resorts of the South Coast, for example, in Yalta, but the range of services and the level of pleasure you will receive are practically the same.

After the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, the Russian government made promises to comprehensively contribute to the modernization of the region's infrastructure, as well as to stimulate the development of the tourism business. Feodosia, as a direct part of the Crimea, can certainly count on investment inflows along with other resort cities in the region. So let's hope that this settlement will eventually become even more beautiful and more attractive for vacationers.

A fairly secluded, but long-established resort, where there is practically everything for successful treatment: healing mud, mineral waters, a gentle sea, golden sand, dry and hot climate, rich experience of doctors and modern technology. Here they treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, circulatory organs, chronic diseases of the kidneys, biliary tract, diabetes mellitus.

For car tourism and recreation, wonderful conditions on the huge Golden Beach to the east of the city. There are many recreation centers, campgrounds, private hotels and summer cottages.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp History

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Translated from Greek "Theodosia" means "Gift of the Gods." This is how the ancient Greeks from Miletus appreciated this corner of the earth on the shore of an excellent bay when they founded their trading post here. This happened in the VI century. BC e.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspIn 1971, the Feodosians approximately celebrated 2500 years since the founding of the city. There is no indication of the exact year. Feodosia is older than London, Berlin, Paris, Madrid and many other European cities. The Pontic king Mithridates IV Eupator built a fleet here to fight the Roman Empire.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The Golden Horde Khan Jenibek became the "hero" of the Middle Ages. In 1347, he pelted the besieged city from catapults with the corpses of his soldiers who died of the plague. The Genoese, who then owned the city, fled to Europe and became the cause of an epidemic that claimed 75 million people. - a quarter of the then European population.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe city was one of the centers of the Great Silk Road. The famous Russian traveler Afanasy Nikitin walked along it in his "Walk across the Three Seas".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe legendary Ukrainian woman Roksolana, who became the wife of the Turkish Sultan and one of the most influential women in history, was sold in the local slave market.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The hero of capitalism can be called the local tobacco manufacturer Stamboli, whose luxurious dacha still testifies not only to his wealth, but also to his excellent taste.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe young hero of the Great Patriotic War, 13-year-old Vitya Korobkov, was shot by the Nazis as a scout of a partisan detachment in 1942.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Climate, beaches and sea

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspDuration of sunshine in the warm half of the year is 1865 hours here - this is less than in Sevastopol, but more than in Yalta. The swimming season for adults lasts from 23 May to 15 October, for children from 22 June to 3 September. So it's quieter here than on the South Coast.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspU Feodosia The main ridge of the Crimean mountains is completely disappearing, the climate is devoid of a hint of subtropics, but 15 km of a wide sandy beach made of rubbed shells, a gentle bottom, rare storms and a stable sunny city weather - all this makes it all They always come here first of all for treatment. Adults and children. From year to year they return to the same sanatoriums, to the same kind and caring friends - doctors and nannies. In general, no one really wants to stand out or impress outsiders, because everyone is seriously concerned with their own health.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Transport

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp There is a train "Moscow - Feodosia" in Feodosia, and from the capital of Crimea you can get to the resort in 3 - 3.5 hours by bus or "minibus", by car in 2.5 hours. And you can also travel to Feodosia by sea - by boat from Yalta or Alushta.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp public transport - "minibuses", in addition - a taxi.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Where to rest

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp There are enough attractions in Feodosia - after all, the city has changed the 26th century. They are located quite compactly. On Galereynaya Street there is the Art Gallery named after I.K.Aivazovsky (house 2) and the A. Green Museum (house 10), on Lenin Street - the Mufti-Jami Mosque (1623) and the Armenian Church of Sergius (Sarkis) of the 15th century. - there is a collection of stone slabs - a lapidarium, in which Genoese, Armenian and Turkic monuments are exhibited. In the Seaside Park, with the fountain of IK Aivazovsky (built in 1888 according to the project and at the expense of the great marine painter), there is a tower of Constantine (1382-1448), one of the many that remained in the city after the Genoese rule. The main core of Genoese and Armenian monuments has been preserved in the southern part of the city, in the so-called Quarantine. These are the towers of Crisco and Clementine VI, Nameless and Dock; churches of the XIV century: Stephen, Gregory, John the Baptist, John the Theologian.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe historical past of Feodosia is reflected in archaeological, subject, documentary exhibits, collected under the roof of the museum of local lore in Feodosia. The oldest in Ukraine, it was founded in 1811 by the then mayor of Feodosia S.M. Bronevsky as a museum of antiquities. It was located in a Tatar mosque. Later it was transferred to a new building, specially built on the top of the Mithridates hill according to the design of IK Aivazovsky, and in 1988 - to the present room of a modern style. The museum constantly operates departments: primitive time, antique, medieval, World War II, ethnographic, nature ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspIn 1990, the Hang Gliding Museum was opened.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

The early names are Kefe, Kaffa and Ardabda, and these are only the most common. The city dates back to the 6th century BC, founded by the Greeks. Earlier periods are simply not studied, but one of the suggestions is that the Greek city was based on more ancient human remains, but there is no actual evidence yet.
The city of Feodosia is located in the southeast of the Crimea, from the southwest it is covered by the slopes of the Tebe-Oba ridge. The climate is steppe turning into subtropical.

Geographic coordinates of Feodosia on the map of Crimea GPS N 45.0488, E 35.3791

The population of the city is about 70 thousand people, over the past year it has increased by 1.3%. The climate of Feodosia is sub-tropical turning into temperate.

The name of the city Theodosia (Theodosia) translates as “God's gift”, the name of the city has disappeared from the historical map several times, due to the city's transition from the Greeks to the Genoese, the Ottomans. In 1804, already as part of the Russian Empire, the city was returned to its historical name, which we know to this day.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 36 km 2, the city is located in the sea area of \u200b\u200bthe Feodosiya Gulf, the depth of the bay is from 20 to 30 meters and has a circular circulation of water, which is why the coastal waters are relatively clean and always suitable for swimming.

In addition to the tourist component of the city, the city is interesting for its port part, the depth of the bay is ideally suited for navigation, oil tankers enter the port without any problems, and therefore one of the largest oil bases in Crimea is located there.
In the current history, the city was given a new breath by the construction of a ferry across the Kerch Strait, the route will pass through Feodosia. Therefore, the hotel sector expects a new influx of visitors.
There are several directions of movement from Feodosia by sea transport, these are excursions to Karadag or along the entire coast of the South Coast, or high-speed catamaran Sochi-1 and Sochi-2. Any of the above trips will provide an unforgettable experience.

Very well developed. The city is developed in all directions, recreation, tourism, medicine, bars, clubs and restaurants. You can stay in the city or in its coastal part in hotels, hotels and in the private sector, the offer of the latter in Feodosia is presented in abundance. Prices for accommodation in Feodosia are very democratic, although they will differ greatly from the level of service.
There are many shops in the city of Feodosia, but perhaps the most interface is the local markets. Almost all products grown in Crimea, vegetables and fruits, meat and milk, and much more are presented on the markets. The quality and taste of products, especially in the mountainous part of Crimea, will greatly delight you. Prices for products will be very different, in the course of the market, in the middle of the market and at the end, plus you can bargain for every penny.

During the summer season, there are many small shops with wine on tap throughout the city; it is not entirely desirable to buy wine in such places. If you want good wine, it is better to buy it in a glass bottle with an excise stamp, this 100% precaution will give you the opportunity to enjoy good wine without the consequences that could spoil your vacation in Crimea.

The city has about 6 squares and the same number of parks and squares, the embankment in Feodosia is one of the best in Crimea, and the beaches are famous not only in Crimea, but also beyond its borders.
Feodosia city in its history has more than 26 centuries, historical horizons cover most of the studied part of human history, Feodosia as a map of this history. Before World War II, there was a memorable place in the city at every step, but the consequences of the war destroyed or partially destroyed most of the attractions. Heavy battles were fought by the Red Army in the Feodosia region and the consequences of these events can still be observed in the Genoese fortress.
City infrastructure
The city of Feodosia is included in the top ten obligatory The centuries-old history and favorable climate make it one of the most interesting places on the ground.

Feodosia on the map of Crimea



Feodosia is one of the most popular Crimean resorts, famous not only for its long sandy and pebble beaches, but also for beautiful natural and historical sights. Feodosia is located in the southeast of the Crimean Peninsula. It's pretty big City, where about 68 thousand people live permanently. Well-developed infrastructure, excellent climate, various options for living in high season attract thousands of tourists here.

The city was built on the shore of the Feodosiya Bay, partially protected from the influence of northern winds by the low peaks Tepe-Oba and Lysaya. The steppe begins behind the eastern outskirts of Feodosia. This unique location of the resort influences its climate. It can be called both mountain, steppe and sea.

Summer in Feodosia is dry and sultry. Showers sometimes bring coolness. In winter there is practically no snow, but piercing winds blow. Feodosia is considered sunny resort... At the end of May there is already a warm sea, which is conducive to water treatments. The high season lasts until October.


Although there is an airport near Feodosia, it does not accept passenger flights. Therefore, all tourists arriving in Crimea first go to its capital - Simferopol. The flight Moscow-Simferopol will last a little over 2 hours. In summer, passengers are offered not only regular, but also charter flights. Taxis (the average fare is 2100 rubles) and buses (370 rubles) are brought from Simferopol to Feodosia. The journey to the coast will take 2-3 hours.

After the road bridge was built across the Kerch Strait, it became easier for tourists to get to Crimea by land transport. Many buses go through Feodosia, following from different cities of Russia to Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta, etc.

Feodosia is a large city in the Eastern Crimea. There are two railway stations, one bus station, which is located near the railway station "Aivazovskaya". Buses and minibuses run around the city. The latter are getting smaller every year, they are being replaced by buses that drop off and take passengers only at certain stops. A ticket for city transport costs 13 rubles.


It is better to start a walk around the city from one of the most famous museums of the Crimea - IK Aivazovsky's art gallery. It is based in the artist's personal home. It contains about 400 of his paintings. In front of the gallery you can see a small monument to Aivazovsky.

It is a stone's throw from the gallery to Pushkin Square, where there is a statue depicting the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The tower of St. Constantine, built by the Genoese, has been preserved in the adjacent park. There is also the fountain of Aivazovsky, covered with a roof with openwork edges. It was renovated at the end of the 20th century, but it still does not work.

Along Gorky Street, you can walk to Morsad Park, behind which is the Mufti-Jami Mosque, dating from the first half of the 17th century. A thin minaret with a crescent rises above it. The mosque has been operating since the 90s of the last century.

Two streets - Lenin and Korabelnaya - will lead tourists to the Genoese fortress, erected in the XIV century. Only some fragments of walls, gates and two towers have survived from it. There are several temples near the ruins of the fortress. The frescoes by Theophanes the Greek have survived in the church of St. Stephen, and the merchant Afanasy Nikitin once visited the temple of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. Local residents even erected a monument to him.

Once in Feodosia, do not miss the museum of the writer A.S. Green.

Health tourism

Feodosia is not only a beach, but also a balneological resort. In the city and its environs, about 6 dozen health-improving complexes, sanatoriums, recreation centers and children's camps were built, where treatment programs developed by experienced specialists are offered. Many diseases of the nervous, digestive, respiratory and hematopoietic systems are cured with the help of the Crimean bottom mud and medicinal mineral water.

In Feodosia there are several springs with healing water. One is called "Theodosia". Its water in its composition resembles the water from spring no. 20 in Yessentuki. Another local source is comparable to the Caucasian "Narzan".

The most popular city sanatoriums are the boarding house "Ukraine-1", the Feodosia military sanatorium on General Gorbachev street, the sanatorium "Voskhod" and the children's health resort "Volna".

Simple walks along the beach, in the steppe, in the nearby mountains, active sports, horseback riding, etc. also contribute to the overall health of the body.

Beach vacation

The wide beaches of Feodosia, stretching for 15 km, have different coverage: mainly, there are pebble beaches that guarantee the transparency of the water near the coast, but there are also sandy and mixed ones. Almost all the beaches within the city are comfortable: toilets, changing rooms, showers, and drinking fountains can be found there. There are also sun loungers and umbrellas rental offices. Two beaches - "Scarlet Sails" and "Golden" - regularly arrange discos, which gather young people from all over the city.

All residents of Feodosia go to swim on the Golden Beach, located outside the eastern limits of the city. This clean sand beach with a gentle entry into the water and the absence of sharp stones near the coast, it stretches to the resort village of Beregovoe. Minibuses go here from Feodosia. You can park your own or rented car in numerous parking lots along the beach.

Children are better off taking to the First City Beach, which is unofficially called Children's. Minibuses # 2 and 4 run to it.

The Feodosia beach "Kameshki" is also quite popular. It is located near the Aivazovsky gallery. The beach was created artificially, has a pebble cover, and sharp stones are found in the water near the coast. However, there are always a lot of tourists here.

Vacation with children

After exploring all the beaches in the area with your child, having visited the most popular local attractions, it's time to go in search of various entertainment complexes. One of them - Luna Park - is located in the center of Feodosia on the embankment. There are attractions for the little ones, carousels work, a children's train goes, a Ferris wheel rises. Surely this place will become the favorite for the kid in Feodosia.

A dolphinarium was built near the "Golden Beach", where 750 spectators can watch the performances of dolphins and fur seals at the same time. After the show, for a fee, you can take pictures with the dolphins and even swim with them in the same pool.

Lovers of antiquity often gather in Komsomolsky Park, who recreate scenes from the life of knights, fight in tournaments, and teach tourists dances of past centuries. Here you can chat with artisans, forge a coin for yourself, and shoot a bow.

If the child tolerates sea rolling well, then a boat trip along the Crimean coast will be an excellent entertainment for the whole family.

There are good water parks in the cities of Koktebel and Sudak, neighboring with Feodosia. Not far from Feodosia is the city of Belogorsk, where the Taigan safari park is open, in which lions and other African animals live.


Lazy beach breaks are not for everyone. There are tourists who begin to strain beach relaxation on the second day of rest. A lot of active fun has been developed especially for them in Feodosia. Only positive emotions are evoked by jeep trips along the coast or along the nearby mountains. The excursion in open jeeps to Cape Meganom is very popular. If one of the tourists wants to have a car, such a request is not refused. The jeep ride takes 4-6 hours and costs 5000-6000 rubles.

Many days of horse riding require good endurance and preparation. The horseback excursion to the Arabat Spit takes two days. The journey to the Ak-Monai quarries takes the same length of time. The cost of such trips is 6600 rubles per person.

You can go kayaking at sea. Some kayaking takes up to 4 days, during which tourists are shown all the most interesting and secluded places on the coast. Boat rent and instructor services cost 6,300 rubles.

To dive with scuba diving, you need to go to the village of Ordzhonikidze near Feodosia. One dive will cost 2300 rubles.

Souvenirs and restaurants

In Feodosia, wonderful products made of wood or onyx are sold on every corner. Coasters for mugs or teapots made of juniper are in great demand among buyers. When heated, wooden mugs, decorated with different patterns, smell very pleasant, reminding of Crimea. Useful gifts that any of your acquaintances will be happy with include essential oils from rose, sage and other herbs and flowers. You need to look for them in pharmacies. Specifically about Feodosia will be reminded of reproductions of paintings by I.K.Aivazovsky. A bunch of dried gobies or red mullet is considered a wonderful "edible" souvenir from the sea.

You can try the Black Sea fish, which swam in the sea in the morning, in many cafes and restaurants of Feodosia, for example, in the Weeping Willow on the embankment. If a tourist is lucky enough to be at the resort in early June, he will be able to appreciate the local fish cuisine at the Barabulka festival.

When in Feodosia, be sure to find a cafe that serves Tatar cuisine. Especially good are samsa, shurpa, baked goods with kubete meat, pasties and many other wonderful hearty dishes. There are also establishments in the city specializing in oriental cuisine. The Gulsum Cafe serves excellent lagman and bozbash. Lunch in it will cost about 500-750 rubles per person.

General information and history

Feodosia is located in the southeast of the Republic of Crimea, on the Black Sea coast. City Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of July. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 42.29 km².

The city was founded by the Greeks in the 6th century BC. In 355 BC, it was conquered by the Bosporus kingdom. After 600 years, the city was defeated by the Huns. At this time, Alans lived in this area, who gave the settlement the name Ardabda. In the 5-13th century, the settlement was part of Byzantium, with a short break, in which it was owned by the Khazars. From the 13th century, it became dependent on the Golden Horde, before the Genoese bought it.

They built the wealthy commercial city of Kaffa, which played a dominant role among the rest of the Genoese colonies in the Northern Black Sea region. It was home to 70 thousand people. The mint functioned. Immigrants from modern Italy were allies of the Golden Horde. This state provided the Europeans with the right of complete self-government. In the middle of the 15th century, Kaffa occupied a territory larger than Constantinople; mainly Armenians lived there. In 1475, all Genoese possessions were seized by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans named the city Kefe. It retained its port value, besides this, a slave market began to function. In 1616 Hetman Sagaidachny took Kefe.

In 1774, Kaffa became part of the Russian Empire. Thirty years later, it was renamed Feodosia. In the 19th century, Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky worked in Feodosia. In 1892, a railway connection with Dzhankoy appeared, and seven years later a commercial port moved from Sevastopol to Feodosia. These factors led to the city's growth and industrial development.

During the Civil War, Theodosia was affected by the battles of the Bolsheviks with the White Army, as well as with the French, Austrians, British and Germans. Finally, Soviet power was established in the city at the end of 1920. In times of famine, the port of Feodosia provided the country with food and grain. In the first five-year plans, industry began to develop in the city. During the Great Patriotic War, the city was occupied by the Germans twice: from November to December 1941 and from January 1942 to April 1944. In the post-war period, the city was significantly destroyed. In 1954, Feodosia from the RSFSR moved to the Ukrainian SSR, and in the early 70s the city became a resort.

Before the collapse of the USSR, the sphere of the military-industrial complex developed here. In particular, the nuclear arsenal of the Black Sea Fleet was located. The military-industrial complex employed more than half of the city's working-age population. These businesses are now in decline. Also, cosmonauts of the first detachment were trained there. Pre-war industrial enterprises were recreated, and a number of new ones were opened in various fields, including winemaking. In March 2014 Feodosia became part of the Russian Federation.

Districts of Feodosia

In Feodosia, the following areas can be distinguished: Bus station, Garnaeva street area, Dynamo area, Crimean massif, Morsad, Simferopol highway area, Starshinov boulevard area, Center and Chelnokova street area.

Population of Feodosia for 2018 and 2019. The number of inhabitants of Feodosia

The city's population figures are taken from the Federal State Statistics Service. The official website of the Rosstat service is The data were also taken from the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, the official website of EMISS The site published data on the number of residents of Feodosia. The table shows the distribution of the number of residents of Feodosia by year, the graph below shows the demographic trend in different years.

The graph of change in the population of Feodosia:

As of 2014, approximately 69 thousand people lived in Feodosia. The population density is 1632.54 people / km².

In pre-revolutionary times, the number of citizens varied as follows: in 1829 there were 3,700 inhabitants, in 1838 - 4,500, in 1861 - 8,400, in 1874 - 10,600, in 1894 - 17,000, and in 1897 - 27 238 inhabitants. In 1921-26, there was a decline in the population - from 35.4 thousand to 28.7 thousand. With the collapse of the USSR, the city also began to decline in population, which continues to this day. From 1989 to 2014, the number of citizens decreased by 11% - from 83.9 to 69 thousand. Only in the early 90s did the population rise slightly due to the returned Crimean Tatars.

In 2001, the gender composition of the city was as follows: 58.9 thousand women lived and 49.7 thousand men. In 1897, 11,243 women and 15,995 men lived there. In Feodosia, the share of pensioners is quite large.

Representatives of a number of nationalities live in the city. As of the 2001 census, their ratio is as follows: Russians - 72.2%, Ukrainians - 18.8%, Crimean Tatars - 4.6%, Belarusians - 1.8%, Armenians - 0.5%, Moldovans, Tatars, Azerbaijanis and Jews (0.2% each), Germans, Poles, Greeks and Georgians (0.1% each). In 1897, among the townspeople there were 16 thousand Russians, 3.2 thousand Tatars, 3 thousand Jews, 1.7 thousand Karaites, 1.5 thousand Armenians. The share of other peoples was 1.8 thousand.
